Derecho Tributario

Tax law

Tax Outsourcing, Consultancy and advising related to income tax, Tax planning to optimize our clients’ tax payment, Consultancy and advising in sales tax, Consultancy and advising in local taxes, Tax returns, National and territorial ...

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Derecho Comercial

Commercial law

We offer incorporation and liquidation of companies, meeting records, partners meetings, accounting books, reorganization, mergers, acquisitions, split outs, and some other ...

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Derecho Civil


Consulting and advising in the interpretation and compliance of Colombian exchange law. Also, the registry of documents, information reporting to the Colombian Central Bank and the correct channeling...

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Derecho Civil


We offer among other services; inheritances, dissolution and liquidation of marital partnership and direct settlements.


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Régimen cambiario Colombiano

One of the biggest challenges related with taxes, foreign exchange and commercial law is to have well prepared people in all business areas as well as ...


International investment

Inversiones Internacionales

Consultancy and advising in the interpretation and performance of processes and regulations established in the international investments regulation.



Contratación Internacional

Support and follow up in negotiations with foreign companies. Preparation of documents and contracts for the development and execution of business transactions.



Gonzalez Gonzalez & Partners

We are a Colombian law firm specialized in advising and consultancy; particularly, in tax, commercial, foreign exchange, and civil law matters. The partners who are experts in tax law, supported by other specialists in different fields of the highest quality. Most of them have more than twenty five years of experience in each field.

We are professionals dedicated to the consultancy and advising in the different economic sectors of the country and abroad. We combine practical experience with academic experience.


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